
Checking if a Value Exists in an Array

In Ruby, you can easily check if a value exists in an array using built-in methods and operators. Using the include? Method What is the include? Metho...
Checking if a Value Exists in an Array

Converting a String to Lower or Upper Case

In Ruby, you can easily convert a string to either lower case or upper case using built-in methods. Converting to Lower Case with downcase What is dow...

Ruby Function to Remove All White Spaces

In Ruby, you can create a custom function to remove all white spaces from a given string. Using the gsub Method with Regular Expression What is gsub?...
Ruby Function to Remove All White Spaces

Calling Shell Commands from Ruby

In Ruby, you can execute shell commands and interact with the command-line environment using various methods. Using backticks (`) or %x What are backt...

Installing a Specific Version of a Ruby Gem

When working with Ruby gems, you might need to install a particular version of a gem to ensure compatibility with your project. Fortunately, Ruby's pa...

Summing Array of Numbers in Ruby

In Ruby, you can easily calculate the sum of an array of numbers using built-in methods. Using the sum Method What is sum? The sum method is a conveni...

Writing a Switch Statement in Ruby

In Ruby, a switch statement is achieved using the case statement. It allows you to compare the value of an expression against multiple conditions and...
Writing a Switch Statement in Ruby

Checking Whether a String Contains a Substring

In Ruby, you can easily determine if a string contains a specific substring using built-in methods. Using the include? Method What is include? The inc...

Understanding attr_accessor

In Ruby, attr_accessor is a convenient and commonly used method that provides a shortcut for defining getter and setter methods for instance variables...
Understanding attr_accessor