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Danica Swanson
Danica Swanson
I'm a self-employed freelance writer and copy editor working in web3. All my clients are in DAOs, so basically I have my "dream job"...except that it's not a dream, and it's not a conventional job!
Portland, OR, US
Joined on Jan 4, 2023
7 posts
4 following

Splitting a string on a delimiter

To split a string on a delimiter in Bash, you can use various approaches and built-in commands to achieve the desired result. Using IFS (Internal Fiel...
Splitting a string on a delimiter

Programmatically Navigate Using React Router

React Router is a popular library for handling routing in React applications. It allows you to navigate between different components or pages based on...
Programmatically Navigate Using React Router

Making a Flat List Out of a List of Lists

To flatten a list of lists into a single, one-dimensional list in Python, you can use list comprehension or the itertools.chain() function. #1. Using...
Making a Flat List Out of a List of Lists

Implementing a REST API

A REST API allows your Flutter app to communicate with a server and perform various operations like fetching data, posting data, or updating data. Set...
Implementing a REST API

Calling Shell Commands from Ruby

In Ruby, you can execute shell commands and interact with the command-line environment using various methods. Using backticks (`) or %x What are backt...

Difference between an Interface and Abstract Class

In object-oriented programming (OOP), both interfaces and abstract classes are used as blueprints for creating classes with common characteristics. Ab...
Difference between an Interface and Abstract Class

Summing Array of Numbers in Ruby

In Ruby, you can easily calculate the sum of an array of numbers using built-in methods. Using the sum Method What is sum? The sum method is a conveni...