Published in Ruby
3 minutes read

Understanding attr_accessor

Understanding attr_accessor

In Ruby, attr_accessor is a convenient and commonly used method that provides a shortcut for defining getter and setter methods for instance variables in a class.

What is attr_accessor?


attr_accessor is a Ruby method that automatically creates getter and setter methods for instance variables of a class. With attr_accessor, you can read and write the values of instance variables without having to define explicit methods for each one.


The syntax for using attr_accessor is as follows:

class MyClass
  attr_accessor :variable_name

Here, variable_name is the name of the instance variable for which you want to create the getter and setter methods.


class Person
  attr_accessor :name, :age

  def initialize(name, age)
    @name = name
    @age = age

# Creating an instance of Person
person ="Alice", 30)

# Using getter methods
puts  # Output: Alice
puts person.age   # Output: 30

# Using setter methods = "Bob"
person.age = 25

puts  # Output: Bob
puts person.age   # Output: 25

In this example, we define a class Person with two instance variables name and age. By using attr_accessor, we create getter and setter methods for these variables. We can then access and modify their values using the dot notation.

Benefits of Using attr_accessor

Using attr_accessor offers several advantages:

  • Conciseness: It reduces the amount of boilerplate code required to define getter and setter methods.
  • Readability: It makes the code more readable by clearly indicating which instance variables are accessible from outside the class.
  • Flexibility: It allows you to control read and write access to instance variables by using attr_reader (for only getters) or attr_writer (for only setters) if needed.

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