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Michael Fienen
Michael Fienen
I am a career web developer who’s been building sites since the dark ages of the 1990s, but chose to major in theatre in college, because I don’t know why.
Joined on Jan 25, 2023
13 posts
7 following

Setting the Default Node Version using NVM

NVM (Node Version Manager) is a popular tool that allows you to manage multiple Node.js versions on your system. By default, when you install NVM, it...
Setting the Default Node Version using NVM

Making a Div 100% Height of the Browser Window

This div will take up 100% height of the browser window.
Making a Div 100% Height of the Browser Window

Running Multiple NPM Scripts in Parallel

In Node.js, you can run multiple NPM scripts simultaneously to execute tasks in parallel. This can be useful when you have multiple tasks that can be...
Running Multiple NPM Scripts in Parallel

Interfaces vs Types

In TypeScript, both interfaces and types are used to define custom data structures and enforce type checking. They are often used interchangeably, but...
Interfaces vs Types

Why Use Getters and Setters/Accessors?

In object-oriented programming (OOP), getters and setters (also known as accessors) are methods used to access and modify the private data members (at...

Algorithm to Return All Combinations of k Elements from n

To generate all possible combinations of k elements from a given set of n elements, you can use a recursive algorithm. Combinations are distinct subse...
Algorithm to Return All Combinations of k Elements from n

Sending Mail and SMS

Flutter provides plugins that allow you to easily integrate mail and SMS functionalities into your app. Mail Integration Add the Dependency In your pu...
Sending Mail and SMS

Redirecting to Another Webpage

To redirect to another webpage in JavaScript, you can use the window.location object to set the new URL. Using window.location.href The simplest and m...
Redirecting to Another Webpage

Get and Set

In TypeScript, you can define getter and setter methods for a class to access and modify its private properties. Getters and setters allow you to cont...
Get and Set