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A superset of JavaScript, adding static typing, interfaces, and advanced tooling, enhancing code quality and scalability for robust web development.
Created on Aug 25, 2022
9 Posts

Explicitly Setting a New Property on `window`

In TypeScript, when you want to add a new property to the window object (the global object in the browser), you need to ensure that TypeScript recogni...
Explicitly Setting a New Property on `window`

Converting a String to Enum

In TypeScript, you can convert a string to an enum value by using the enum and valueOf() method. Enumerations, or enums, provide a way to define a set...
Converting a String to Enum

Interfaces vs Types

In TypeScript, both interfaces and types are used to define custom data structures and enforce type checking. They are often used interchangeably, but...
Interfaces vs Types

Running TypeScript Files from Command Line

To run TypeScript files (.ts) from the command line, you need to compile the TypeScript code into JavaScript (.js) first, and then execute the resulti...

Removing an Array Item

In TypeScript, you can remove an item from an array using different methods, depending on your specific requirements and the version of TypeScript you...
Removing an Array Item

Dynamically Assigning Properties to an Object

In TypeScript, you can dynamically assign properties to an object using various approaches. Dynamically adding properties allows you to create flexibl...
Dynamically Assigning Properties to an Object

Converting a String to Number

In TypeScript, you may need to convert a string to a number for various reasons, such as performing mathematical operations or working with numeric da...
Converting a String to Number

Get and Set

In TypeScript, you can define getter and setter methods for a class to access and modify its private properties. Getters and setters allow you to cont...
Get and Set

Getting Names of Enum Entries

In TypeScript, you can get the names of enum entries (also known as enum keys) programmatically. Enumerations, or enums, are a set of named constants...
Getting Names of Enum Entries