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Ben Greenberg
Ben Greenberg
Connoisseur of puns ✨ Senior DevRel Engineer @ Parity Technologies ✨ Founder and Author of Torah && Tech ✨ Public Speaker and International Person of Not So Much Mystery
Joined on Dec 6, 2022
13 posts
9 following

Docker Container Has No Internet

If your Docker container has no internet access, it can be frustrating and hinder your ability to install packages or communicate with external servic...

Uninstalling NPM Modules

In Node.js, you can easily uninstall NPM (Node Package Manager) modules when you no longer need them. Removing unnecessary modules helps keep your pro...

Finding All Files Containing Specific Text on Linux

To search for files containing a specific text or string on a Linux system, you can use various commands and options provided by the shell. Using grep...

Checking Out a Remote Git Branch

To check out a remote Git branch and start working on it, follow these steps: 1. View Available Remote Branches Before checking out a remote branch, i...
Checking Out a Remote Git Branch

How to Drop Columns Using Rails Migration

To drop columns from a database table using Rails migration, follow these steps: Generate a Migration File The first step is to generate a migration f...
How to Drop Columns Using Rails Migration

Running TypeScript Files from Command Line

To run TypeScript files (.ts) from the command line, you need to compile the TypeScript code into JavaScript (.js) first, and then execute the resulti...

Removing an Array Item

In TypeScript, you can remove an item from an array using different methods, depending on your specific requirements and the version of TypeScript you...
Removing an Array Item

Call Child Method from Parent

In React, it is possible for a parent component to call a method defined in a child component. #1. Use Ref to Access Child Component To call a child m...

Generating Random Integers Within a Specific Range

In Java, you can easily generate random integers within a specific range using the java.util.Random class. Creating a Random Object To generate random...

Creating a .pfx File from Certificate and Private Key

A .pfx file (Personal Information Exchange) is a container format that holds both the public certificate and its associated private key. It is commonl...