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Widely-used server-side scripting language, ideal for web development to create dynamic and interactive websites, with a strong community and vast resources.
Created on Dec 25, 2022
10 Posts

Using self vs. $this in PHP

In PHP, both 'self' and '$this' are used to refer to class members, but they have different contexts and usages. Using 'self' What is 'self'? 'self' i...
Using self vs. $this in PHP

Preventing SQL Injection

In PHP, it is crucial to protect your database from SQL injection, a common security vulnerability that allows malicious users to manipulate SQL queri...
Preventing SQL Injection

Getting PHP Errors to Display

To debug and troubleshoot PHP code effectively, it's essential to display PHP errors. By default, PHP may suppress error messages from being shown on...

Sorting a Multi-dimensional Array by Value

In PHP, you can sort a multi-dimensional array by its values using various sorting functions available. Using usort() Function The usort() Function Th...
Sorting a Multi-dimensional Array by Value

Making a Redirect in PHP

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Making a Redirect in PHP

Deleting an Element from an Array

In PHP, you can remove an element from an array using built-in array manipulation functions. Using unset() Function What is unset()? The unset() funct...

How PHP foreach Actually Works

In PHP, the 'foreach' loop provides a convenient way to iterate over arrays and objects. The Basics of foreach Loop What is foreach? The 'foreach' loo...
How PHP foreach Actually Works

Checking if a String Contains a Specific Word

In PHP, you can easily check whether a string contains a specific word using various built-in functions. Using strpos() Function What is strpos()? The...

Getting the First Element of an Array in PHP

In PHP, you can retrieve the first element of an array using several methods. Using array_shift() Function The array_shift() Function The array_shift(...
Getting the First Element of an Array in PHP