Published in PHP
2 minutes read

Deleting an Element from an Array

In PHP, you can remove an element from an array using built-in array manipulation functions.

Using unset() Function

What is unset()?

The unset() function is a PHP construct used to remove a specific element from an array. It modifies the original array directly.

Syntax of unset()


Here, $array is the array from which you want to delete an element, and $index is the index of the element you want to remove.


$fruits = array('apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape');
unset($fruits[1]); // Remove 'banana' from the array

In this example, the unset() function is used to delete the element at index 1 from the $fruits array. The output will be Array ( [0] => apple [2] => orange [3] => grape ).

Using array_splice() Function

What is array_splice()?

The array_splice() function is used to remove a portion of the array and replace it with new elements if needed. It can also be used to delete a single element from an array.

Syntax of array_splice()

array_splice($array, $index, 1);

Here, $array is the array from which you want to delete an element, $index is the index of the element you want to remove, and 1 represents the number of elements to remove.


$fruits = array('apple', 'banana', 'orange', 'grape');
array_splice($fruits, 1, 1); // Remove 'banana' from the array

In this example, the array_splice() function is used to delete the element at index 1 from the $fruits array. The output will be Array ( [0] => apple [2] => orange [3] => grape ).

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