Published in PHP
3 minutes read

Checking if a String Contains a Specific Word

In PHP, you can easily check whether a string contains a specific word using various built-in functions.

Using strpos() Function

What is strpos()?

The strpos() function is a PHP string function that finds the position of the first occurrence of a substring in a string. It can be used to check if a specific word exists within a string.

Syntax of strpos()

strpos($haystack, $needle);

Here, $haystack is the original string in which you want to search, and $needle is the word you want to find.


$text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
$word = "fox";

if (strpos($text, $word) !== false) {
    echo "The word '$word' is found in the text.";
} else {
    echo "The word '$word' is not found in the text.";

In this example, the strpos() function is used to check if the word "fox" exists in the $text variable. If the word is found, it will print "The word 'fox' is found in the text."; otherwise, it will print "The word 'fox' is not found in the text.".

Using strstr() Function

What is strstr()?

The strstr() function is another PHP string function that checks if a substring exists in a string. It is similar to strpos() but returns the part of the haystack string from the first occurrence of the needle to the end.

Syntax of strstr()

strstr($haystack, $needle);

Here, $haystack is the original string in which you want to search, and $needle is the word you want to find.


$text = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
$word = "fox";

if (strstr($text, $word)) {
    echo "The word '$word' is found in the text.";
} else {
    echo "The word '$word' is not found in the text.";

In this example, the strstr() function is used to check if the word "fox" exists in the $text variable. If the word is found, it will print "The word 'fox' is found in the text."; otherwise, it will print "The word 'fox' is not found in the text.".

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