Sarfaraz Stark
I am Sarfaraz From Kolkata, India. Currently appearing BCA from Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology . I love to code, my skills are in development.
Joined on
Mar 8, 2023
Checking if a variable is set
To determine whether a variable is set or not in Bash, you can use various methods and conditional checks.
Using test command or [ ] brackets
The test...
Convert String to Integer or Float
In Elixir, you can convert a string to an integer or a float using built-in functions that handle the conversion process.
Using String.to_integer()

Creating a Carousel Slider in Flutter
A carousel slider is a common UI element in mobile app development that allows users to swipe through a series of images or content in a carousel-like...

Ruby Function to Remove All White Spaces
In Ruby, you can create a custom function to remove all white spaces from a given string.
Using the gsub Method with Regular Expression
What is gsub?...

Why Char[] is Preferred over String for Passwords
In security-sensitive applications, storing passwords securely is crucial to prevent unauthorized access. One common practice is to use char[] arrays...
Understanding "use strict" and Its reasoning
The "use strict" directive is a pragma in JavaScript that enables a strict mode for the code. It helps developers write safer and more relia...
Introduction to Swift Enums
Swift Enums (Enumerations) are a powerful and flexible way to define a group of related values in a type-safe manner. They allow you to organize your...

Using Async/Await within a forEach Loop
In JavaScript, using async/await with a forEach loop can be a bit tricky, as forEach is not promise-aware and cannot be used directly with async funct...

Changing Permissions for a Folder and Its Subfolders/Files
To change permissions for a folder and all its subfolders and files in Linux, you can use the chmod command along with the find command.
Using find an...
Closing All Activities and Launching a Specific Activity in Android
This can be helpful when you want to start a fresh navigation flow or redirect the user to a specific entry point within your app.
1: Close All Activi...