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Caio Teixeira
Caio Teixeira
Full-Stack Dev student with many years of experience in comms and content creation.
Sao Paulo, Brazil
Joined on Sep 5, 2022
11 posts
7 following

Adding Multiple Classes to a Component

In React, you can apply multiple CSS classes to a component to style it according to your design requirements. #1. Using String Concatenation One of t...
Adding Multiple Classes to a Component

Returning the Response from an Asynchronous Call

In JavaScript, when working with asynchronous functions that involve network requests or other time-consuming operations, you often need to return the...

Writing Multiline Strings

In Go, you can create multiline strings using backticks (``) or the newline escape character (\n). Using Backticks (``) Backticks (``) are a convenien...
Writing Multiline Strings

Enumerating an Enum

In C#, enumerations, or enums, are special value types that define a set of named constants. Enumerations make it easier to work with a predefined set...
Enumerating an Enum

Disabling the Resizable Property of a Textarea

This textarea cannot be resized. This textarea is also non-resizable.
Disabling the Resizable Property of a Textarea

Checking Whether a File Exists Without Exceptions

To check whether a file exists in Python without raising exceptions, you can use various methods provided by the os and os.path modules. #1. Using os....
Checking Whether a File Exists Without Exceptions

Removing a Specific Item from an Array

In JavaScript, you can remove a specific item from an array using various array methods. Using Array.filter() The Array.filter() method creates a new...

Mastering Switch/Case Statements

Switch/Case statements provide a clean and concise way to handle multiple conditions and are often used in place of long chains of if/else statements....

Two Kinds of Functions

In Elixir, there are two main kinds of functions: named functions and anonymous functions. Named Functions Named functions in Elixir are defined with...
Two Kinds of Functions