Published in React
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Adding Multiple Classes to a Component

Adding Multiple Classes to a Component

In React, you can apply multiple CSS classes to a component to style it according to your design requirements.

#1. Using String Concatenation

One of the simplest ways to add multiple classes to a React component is by using string concatenation within the className prop.

import React from 'react';

function MyComponent() {
  const class1 = 'class1';
  const class2 = 'class2';

  return <div className={class1 + ' ' + class2}>My Component</div>;

In this example, we define two CSS classes class1 and class2. The className prop of the div element concatenates both classes together with a space to apply them to the component.

#2. Using Template Literals

ES6 template literals offer a cleaner way to add multiple classes to a React component.

import React from 'react';

function MyComponent() {
  const class1 = 'class1';
  const class2 = 'class2';

  return <div className={`${class1} ${class2}`}>My Component</div>;

In this example, we use template literals to interpolate the variables class1 and class2 within backticks, separated by a space.

#3. Using Array Join Method

If you have an array of classes, you can use the join method to concatenate them and apply them to the component.

import React from 'react';

function MyComponent() {
  const classes = ['class1', 'class2'];

  return <div className={classes.join(' ')}>My Component</div>;

In this example, we define an array classes containing the class names. The join(' ') method joins the elements of the array with a space, resulting in a single string of classes applied to the component.

#4. Using Classnames Library

For more advanced scenarios, you can use the classnames library, which simplifies working with multiple classes in React components.

First, install the library:

npm install classnames

Then, use it in your component:

import React from 'react';
import classNames from 'classnames';

function MyComponent() {
  const class1 = 'class1';
  const class2 = 'class2';

  const combinedClasses = classNames(class1, class2);

  return <div className={combinedClasses}>My Component</div>;

In this example, we use the classNames function from the classnames library to combine the classes.

1 Comment

But I think this `className={`${class1} ${class2}`}` more simple and not need to add more library and increase my bundle