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Powerful and flexible query language for APIs, allowing clients to request specific data they need, minimizing over-fetching, and simplifying backend development for modern applications.
Created on Dec 6, 2022
4 Posts

Fetching the Whole GraphQL Schema in One Query

In GraphQL, you can retrieve the entire schema of your API using a special introspection query. This powerful feature allows you to explore and unders...
Fetching the Whole GraphQL Schema in One Query

Querying All GraphQL Type Fields Efficiently

GraphQL allows you to retrieve data from the server in a flexible and efficient manner. However, writing a long query to request all the fields of a t...
Querying All GraphQL Type Fields Efficiently

Understanding the Exclamation Point in GraphQL

In GraphQL, the exclamation point (!) is a significant symbol that conveys important information about the fields in your schema. It is used to denote...

Adding Default Values to Input Arguments

In GraphQL, you can set default values for input arguments, ensuring that certain fields or arguments have predefined values if not explicitly provide...
Adding Default Values to Input Arguments