Published in Database
4 minutes read

How to Restore a Dump File from mysqldump

To restore a dump file created with mysqldump and populate a MySQL database, follow these steps:

Prepare the Dump File

Ensure you have the dump file you want to restore. If you don't have one, you can create it using the mysqldump command. For example, to create a dump of a database named "my_database," run the following in your terminal:

mysqldump -u your_username -p my_database > dump_file.sql

Replace your_username with your MySQL username, and dump_file.sql with the desired name for the dump file.

Access MySQL Command Line Interface

Next, you need to access the MySQL Command Line Interface (CLI). Open your terminal or command prompt and run the following command:

mysql -u your_username -p

Replace your_username with your MySQL username. You will be prompted to enter your password after running this command.

Create a New Database (Optional)

If the target database does not exist, and you want to create it while restoring the dump, you can do so in the MySQL CLI by running the following command:

CREATE DATABASE your_database_name;

Replace your_database_name with the desired name for the new database.

Select the Database

Once you are in the MySQL CLI, you need to select the database where you want to restore the dump. Use the following command:

USE your_database_name;

Replace your_database_name with the name of the database where you want to restore the dump. If you created a new database in the previous step, use that name here.

Restore the Dump

With the appropriate database selected, you can restore the dump file using the following command:

SOURCE /path/to/dump_file.sql;

Replace /path/to/dump_file.sql with the actual file path to your dump file.

The SQL statements in the dump file will be executed, and the data and schema will be restored in the selected MySQL database.

Verify the Restoration (Optional)

After the restoration is completed, you may want to verify the data by running queries or accessing the data using a MySQL client.


To exit the MySQL CLI, simply type:


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