Published in Android
3 minutes read

Creating Separate Modules for Debug and Release Builds

In Android development, it's essential to manage debug and release builds effectively to ensure a smooth development process and maintain a reliable production-ready app.

Debug Build: During development, we use the debug build for testing and debugging our app. It includes additional features like logging, debugging tools, and reduced code optimizations to aid in troubleshooting and development.

Release Build: The release build is meant for distribution to end-users. It is optimized for performance and removes debugging-related features to reduce the app's size and improve security.

Step 1: Create Separate Build Variants

  1. Open your Android project in Android Studio.

  2. In the Project view, navigate to the app module, right-click, and select New > Folder > Module.

  3. Choose Java Library for your new module and name it, for example, "debugFeatures."

  4. Repeat the above steps to create another module named "releaseFeatures."

Step 2: Configure Build Variants

  1. In Android Studio, go to the Build Variants tab on the left side.

  2. Click on the Build Variants dropdown, and you should see the "debug" and "release" variants for your app.

  3. For the "debug" variant, select the "debugFeatures" module as the source set.

  4. For the "release" variant, select the "releaseFeatures" module as the source set.

Step 3: Customize Debug Features

  1. Open the "debugFeatures" module and create a new Java class, for example, "DebugUtils."

  2. Add any debug-specific features, like logging, debugging tools, or developer options, to this class.

Step 4: Customize Release Features

  1. Open the "releaseFeatures" module and create a new Java class, for example, "ReleaseUtils."

  2. Add any release-specific features, like analytics, crash reporting, or code optimizations, to this class.

Step 5: Implement Build Flavor-specific Code

  1. In your app's main codebase, create an interface, for example, "FeatureUtils."

  2. In the "debugFeatures" module, implement the "FeatureUtils" interface using the "DebugUtils" class.

  3. In the "releaseFeatures" module, implement the "FeatureUtils" interface using the "ReleaseUtils" class.

Step 6: Use Build Flavor-specific Code

In your app's main codebase, you can now use the "FeatureUtils" interface to access the debug or release-specific features based on the build variant.

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