Published in DevOps
5 minutes read

Complete Monitoring Stack with One Command

This project provides a comprehensive monitoring setup using Docker containers. With a single command, make up, you can quickly deploy a base environment that includes dashboards, alerts, metrics, and logs, giving you a solid foundation for monitoring and observability.


Get your monitoring stack up and running with one command using a Docker Compose stack featuring:

  • Grafana: Dashboarding.
  • Prometheus: Timeseries database for metrics.
  • Node-Exporter: Node metrics.
  • cAdvisor: Container metrics.
  • Alertmanager: Alerting system.
  • Loki: Logs (including explore-logs).


Note: Due to docker-compose and the compose plugin, you might have one of the two installed. I have a Makefile that will detect which on you have installed.

You can list the targets using make.


Boot the stack with docker compose (or make up):

docker-compose up -d

Ensure all containers are running:

docker-compose ps

The output should look like this:

    Name                   Command                  State               Ports         
cadvisor        /usr/bin/cadvisor -logtostderr   Up (healthy)   8080/tcp              
grafana         /                          Up   >3000/tcp
node-exporter   /bin/node_exporter --path. ...   Up             9100/tcp              
prometheus      /bin/prometheus --config.f ...   Up   >9090/tcp
alertmanager    /bin/alertmanager --config ...   Up   >9093/tcp
loki            /usr/bin/loki -conf ...          Up   >3100/tcp
promtail        /usr/bin/promtail ...            Up

Access Grafana

Access grafana on Grafana Home (or make open) and you should see the three dashboards that was provisioned:

Once you select the Node Metrics dashboard, it should look something like this:

When you select "Alerting" and "Alert rules" you will find the recording and alerting rules:

We can expand the alerting rules:

And then we can view more detail on a alert rule:

And for our container metrics we can access the Container Metrics dashboard:

Then for our last dashboard, the Container Log Search, by default the metric panel will be collapsed, but to expand it for visibility it will look like this:

And we can also view our Container Logs in the explore section:

For discovering the Logs we can navigate to the Explore / Logs view:

Project on Github

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