Published in Elixir
3 minutes read

Checking if an Item Exists in an List or Tuple

Checking if an Item Exists in an List or Tuple

In Elixir, you can determine if an item exists in a list or tuple using various built-in functions. Checking for the presence of an item is a common operation when working with collections in Elixir.

Using the in Operator

The in operator is a concise way to check if an item is present in a list or tuple.


my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
my_tuple = {:a, :b, :c, :d, :e}

IO.puts(3 in my_list)    # Output: true
IO.puts(:b in my_tuple)   # Output: true
IO.puts(:z in my_list)    # Output: false

In this example, we use the in operator to check if the item 3 exists in the list my_list and if the atom :b exists in the tuple my_tuple. We also check for an item that does not exist in the list to demonstrate a false result.

Using Enum.member?/2

The Enum.member?/2 function allows you to explicitly check if an item is a member of a list or tuple.


my_list = [10, 20, 30]
my_tuple = {:x, :y, :z}

IO.puts(Enum.member?(my_list, 20))  # Output: true
IO.puts(Enum.member?(my_tuple, :y)) # Output: true
IO.puts(Enum.member?(my_list, 40))  # Output: false

In this example, we use Enum.member?/2 to check if 20 exists in my_list, :y exists in my_tuple, and 40 exists in my_list.

Using Kernel.elem/2

The Kernel.elem/2 function is another way to check if an item is present in a tuple.


my_tuple = {:apple, :banana, :orange}

IO.puts(Kernel.elem(my_tuple, :banana))  # Output: true
IO.puts(Kernel.elem(my_tuple, :grape))   # Output: false

In this example, we use Kernel.elem/2 to check if :banana exists in my_tuple and if :grape exists in my_tuple.

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